2012년 8월 17일 금요일

Raster Transformation - Rotate

Raster transformation - rotate
Rotate 45˚
* Rotate(Raster raster, Point anchorPoint, double angle, Inerpolation resample)
 - Rotation is, by default, around the lower left corner of the raster.
 - The rotation point can be changed with the optional Anchor Point parameter.
 - Resampling is only done if the angle is not a multiple of 90.
 - The rotation angle specified must be between 0 and 360
 - The dataset will be rotated clockwise.
Rotate 45˚(Orange) vs 315˚(Magenta)
* process
 - rotate image
 - recalculate extent

* Reference : http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/#/Rotate/00170000007s000000/

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